Keeping you up to date with all the latest affordable home buying developments and schemes and where you can find a property that is eligible for one.
February's Most Popular Articles...
Are You Classed as a Key Worker?:
Key workers are not just nurses and firefighters, there is a whole host of other professions that are classed as key workers. A key worker is… [1310 views in Feb]
Low Income Housing:
It is unfortunate that many of us live on low incomes and have to support families, pay bills and generally live day by day on salaries that in some instances just… [668 views in Feb]
The Right to Acquire Scheme:
If you are a council tenant you may be eligible to buy your council house. This is because councils give tenants a secure tenancy. If you rent a housing… [196 views in Feb]
I Bought an Ex Council House: A Case Study:
Ex-council houses or ex-local authority properties have got a bit of a bad reputation among would be homebuyers, but in the end it all… [124 views in Feb]
The Open Market Home Buy Scheme:
The HomeBuy initiative was developed in an attempt to help a potential home owner get on the property ladder even if they could not afford to buy… [112 views in Feb]